As object is a thing. It possesses physical features unique to itself. An object also possesses benefits and/or functions of it's features.
When the process of an object is visually portrayed, then the meaning or purpose of the object is conveyed.
The goal of the “process poster” project is to overtly convey the benefits of the object as process.
The first phase of this project is to turn your object image into a process image.
– Analyze the object from multiple points of view, then recompose the views back into a single image as you did with your analytical cubist self-portrait.
– Use some of the stylistic attributes the Art Deco designer/illustrators used to portray your object such as: speed lines, dash lines, value graduations, vortices, arrows, multiple outlines, starburst backgrounds, etc.
– Use some of the stylistic attributes the Art Deco designer/illustrators used to portray your object such as: speed lines, dash lines, value graduations, vortices, arrows, multiple outlines, starburst backgrounds, etc.
The second phase of this project is to configure your process image with empowering words and type to create a strong effective communicator of the benefits of the object.
TH – Oct 30 Process Poster Project Launch
T – Nov 4 Process Poster Roughs (3) Due
TH – Nov 6 Process Poster Comp Due
T – Nov 11 Final Process Poster Due
• Bold Contrasting Colors
• Dynamic Backgrounds / Visual Contexts
• Structured Compositions (Use of Grids)
• Concrete Type & Structured Typographical Layouts
• Relationship of Type to Image (Juxtapostion & Configuration)
• Positive & Negative Space Relationship
• Color and Texture Gradations
• Speed Trails
• Strong & Dynamic Spatial Relationships
• Borders:
– Small & Tight Borders
– Borders in Borders
• Type:
– San Serif, Slab Serif, Oblique
– All Caps, Contrasts & Weights